1977 - Steve Matthews
1960 - 2007
Steve Matthews was Director of Camping for Indianhead Council from 1986-1990, Tomahawk Camp Staff member from 1977 – 1990 and Tomahawk Director from 1988-1990. Through his camp leadership many innovations were put into place that continue today including the greatly expanded Scoutcraft areas/emphasis and the early introduction of C.O.P.E (challenging outdoor personal experience).
His laughter and sense of humor was infectious and his care and concern for others were trademarks of his life. An Eagle Scout from Troop 432 in Centerville, Steve continued his Scouting involvement throughout his life, serving on regional camp inspection teams, participating in fundraising events, providing pro-bono professional services to the council and working with a local troop. Steve was principal of Superior Search, a very successful employment firm he founded with fellow camp staff member Rob Duncan. He was part of a strong Scouting family, with four of his brothers serving on Tomahawk camp staff as well. Steve will be greatly missed, but his impact on the lives of thousands of Scouts during his years at camp will continue as a legacy.